Does this sound like you or someone you know?
You dream about having a career you love but your passion is horses…and everyone tells you it isn’t possible to make a living doing that. You’re almost ready to give up, but hold on, I’ve got good news for you. It is possible. I’ve done it and I know lots of others who have too.
Right now you probably have fears. You’re afraid if you don’t try now you may never give it a shot. You’ve read about people who look back and wish they had ‘gone for it.’
Nothing is more painful than regret.
Ask yourself this? What if you try?…or worse…What if you don’t?
It is one thing to pursue something and then change your mind but if you don’t pursue it at all…you will always wonder. What if…
I remember longing to spend my days with horses. I grew up in Maine, not exactly horse country. I don’t come from a ranching or farming background. My mom loved horses and so did I. I knew nothing about the horse industry outside of watching the Kentucky Derby on TV. In high school, when asked, I said I was going to become an accountant. It wasn’t a dream of mine. It was a job I thought would pay the bills. Thankfully a high school teacher challenged me. He asked me what I really wanted (my answer had been flat) and I easily answered, “I want to ride horses.” He required me to look into it…and as they say…the rest is history.
And it isn’t just me. Molly dreamed of working with horses. Her first job as a groom at a racetrack didn’t pan out…but now she manages multi-million dollar equine companies. She is surrounded by horse products and horse people day in and day out. Travis knew he wanted to work with horses and set his own hours. He pursued a career as a farrier. Rachel’s parents are both veterinarians but pursued a different path; horse rescue & adoption.
The American Horse Council reports: The horse industry contributes approximately $39 billion in direct economic impact to the U.S. economy, and supports 1.4 million jobs on a full-time basis. When indirect and induced spending are included, the industry’s economic impact reaches $102 billion.
There is room for you.
Imagine how it will feel when you know the options. Imagine having the chance to ask experts the questions you have, to learn from their struggles and their advice.
Imagine the confidence you will have when you can say you made an educated decision.
At the Equine Career Conference you will have the chance to learn from equine professionals on a variety of subjects including; what jobs are out there, trainer vs non-trainer career paths, college degrees vs apprenticeships/internships, money challenges when getting started,, when to move on or call it quits….and much more.
AND we will study you…thats right. You’ll receive valuable feedback about your own strengths and challenges by completing an online personality profile! Then hear how pros use these tools to build stronger businesses.
Question: Do you know the difference between a dream and a goal?
Answer: Having a plan.
Don’t let your dream slip by. Stop and make a decision. Let us educate you so you can make a decision you’ll be confident in.
If this sounds like you, click below, to register for the Equine Career Conference.
If this sounds like someone you know, please forward it to them.
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No one taught you the skills you need to work through these things.
Riders often encounter self-doubt, fear, anxiety, frustration, and other challenging emotions at the barn. The emotions coursing through your body can add clarity, or can make your cues indistinguishable for your horse.
Learning these skills and begin communicating clearly with your horse.
Click here to learn more.
I am really considering coming to this conference as I feel it may actually be an answer to prayer and is just the thing I have been needing to hopefully get started in the horse industry. However, I do have a couple of questions before I make my final decision…
1) I’m 18 and have been working with horses for about 5 years. While my goal is to become a horse trainer and riding instructor, I haven’t decided what discipline to specialize in, as I am still learning and I like all that I have tried so far. Do you think this would be a good conference to attend for someone my age and with my experience, or is it geared more towards people with more experience and maybe a little older who know exactly what they want to go into?
2) I’m trying to calculate the cost to see what it will take to attend. I was wondering if there will be an offered shuttle bus from the airport to the ranch, if so what airport would that be, and what would it cost?
Thanks and hope to see you there. : )
Answers! We are limiting it to 40 so that we can be sure to have plenty of time for both those just getting started and those wishing to advance, get new thoughts, ideas, etc. Last year we had both young people who came with parents, those already in the business on some level, and those who wanted to change careers mid-life.
The airport would be Erie. They do offer to pick people up…there is a charge…I’ll have to dig for it. I don’t have it at my fingertips.
Thank you so much those answers helped alot. And That would be awesome if you could let me know what the cost is or if I could get their contact info to ask. Thanks again.
I live in California and work at a ranch cleaning stalls, feeding and moving horses. I have ridden some and had a bad fall years ago. I have been scared to get back on and ride, but I love horses. I will be 50 yrs old this December and really would love a career with horses but can someone be honest with me? Am I just to old to get started now?
Tammy, I attended a conference with Dan Miller,, and he does career coaching. He says he likes coaching people 50 and older because they know themselves better and have more potential because of it. He has a podcast and a book. I think you need to get clear on what options best fit you. If you have a fear of riding then you can consider other paths. You sound like you are already involved on some level…maybe answer the question. What is driving me to want more? What do I have to offer? You sound confident around the horses. When you are around the barn, what do people tell you that you do well? I know someone who made thousands on weekends braiding horses for shows. That is only one tiny area that involves being around them but not riding.
Thank you for your advise. I just ordered one of Dan Millers books. I have always had a passion to work with and around horses. I love being outside and not stuck in an office. Years ago I worked at a Theraputic Riding Center for kids with all kinds of disabilities. Those are some of my most precious memories. The owner of the ranch ask me to be the barn manager. I love making sure that the horses are well taken care of. The ranch I currently work at tease me and say I am a perfectionist because I want everything to be kept up as best as I can including the stalls being raked a certain way. I’m told I am dependable and very good handling the horses and recognizing their behaviors. I’m looking forward to receiving the book and finding out how I can move forward to my dream job.
Great move! I read the books, listen to the podcast (check it out…totally free!) and attended a seminar:)
You have a way with words! My mom forwarded this blog to me last night….let’s just say, you have a way with words! You convinced me to take a chance on my “dream.” I’ve been tucking it away for years, because there are so many gifted and talented people seeking similar dreams (is there really room for one more)?…. I don’t want to have regrets about not trying. I registered for the conference with my husband in the hope that it will help to guide my path in the right direction. Thanks Stacy, I look forward to hearing from you and all the speakers at MMR.
Thats awesome! The nice thing is that we limited the size to make sure that you guys get your questions answered. Start writing down your dreams and challenges so we can tackle them together!