How to touch an untouched horse

A friend of mine wants to do some imprint training with her 6 week old filly. The problem she is having is she can”t get near the filly, and when she does manage to get close, the filly kicks at her. Do you have any suggestions as to what she could do with the filly to get the filly to stop kicking and let my friend work with her?

If I have one kicking at me I will generally use an extension of my hand like a long lunge whip or something. Watch these videos and see if you get an idea. You would have to modify it by having the mare and foal both in the area but this might give you some ideas.


  1. Debra Ehlers on March 28, 2017 at 5:31 pm

    I recently rescued a “kill” pen weanling to yearling. He has never been touched. I wanted to know the best way to approach him. I have within a week gotten a halter on him and lead rope. He still does not like me approaching him.

  2. Penny Bateman on January 14, 2012 at 11:08 pm

    6 weeks is a little late for imprint training…more like 6 hours. And yes, I think it is a good thing. I have a 4 yr.old that I touched and imprinted with 30 mins.after he was born. I couldn’t tell you about a 6 wk. old….sorry. maybe read “Imprint Training of the newborn foal” by Robert M. Miller, D.V.M.

  3. judith stahl on January 12, 2012 at 5:13 am

    I thought imprint training was something one did immediately or quite soon after birth.

  4. Olivia on January 11, 2012 at 11:11 pm

    Personally, I am very apposed to imprinting. I would much rather wait until the horse is older and bigger. Not to the extreme that I run away from a foal, I just don’t make it a point to try to rush to much into training.

  5. Angelique Aia Hill on January 11, 2012 at 6:46 am

    my family breed ponies and when the foal is standing ad you can see that its healthy someone lifts it up, they will try to get away at first but then they usually relax and you put them down, that way they know you’re stronger than them but you wont hurt them.

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