Just as seeds can be planted for good…weeds can also be planted in horse training. Sometimes this is the result of abuse. More often it is simply not knowing how complex and perceptive horses are on a daily basis.
Whether these are seeds of good or weeds…the first thing to grow are the roots. Often people don’t know they have a problem (a weed) until it pokes it’s head above the ground. Other times it is a full blown tree before the owner realizes they wanted an apple tree….but planted an oak!
The sooner you realize you have a problem (a weed) the sooner you should get started on fixing it. Maybe that is taking a lesson, watching a DVD, reading a book, or going over to a friends to ride. Or maybe it is sending your horse to a pro.
The deeper the roots – the bigger the job.
I say this to be encouraging…not discouraging. Know you have a big job.
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It is true some don’t know the problem they helping to grow just by some things they do with their horse. Like a child it is cute until they get bigger then not so cute.
nothing from you is discouraging.horse workout is a big job .love your engagement !
i love weeds! They are sooooooooooooooo pretty to look at!
I think I got myself a Dandoline….. the breeder of my horse had the idea, to give a RAW horse to People, cause those People have to be with that horse so best is to let them have an unused horse. Nice idea! 😀 well, if the horse is like 3 or 4 years old.
My horse was almost 7, when I finally bought him ( i wanted to with 4,5, but had private issues, so it ended up this late, but neverless, nothing was done with or two him )
Boy was he wild! He didnt know anything, and i came to him, Kind of, like the virgin Mary to Jesus!
BUT to make this Story short, he was ONE of my bestest decisions in life, we went straight up Forward, I would say to 95% he is a life insurance riding him now! ( I wouldnt have said this 5 years ago! 😉 )
I think you can turn any weed into ONE beautiful flower, just be Patient and put some afford in it!
Stacy I do love your Daily! :-*
Meant to add, very good advice.
OK, RIDING a book? It’s not hard to see what’s on the mind of a horseperson! LOL!!
lol…ooops, confessions of a horse person….