Have you seen this trailer?

Jesse Westfall watering horses in horse trailer

Have you seen this trailer? If you do…stop by and say ‘hi’.

One of my sponsors Tekonsha, the leader in electronic trailer brake controllers, put a wrap on our horse trailer. There are times that it is fun to have a wrap on the trailer and there are times it is a bit awkward.

The only time it really isn’t fun is when I’m doing something silly…like wearing sweatpants and cowboy boots into a gas station when someone recognizes me…lol.

…otherwise it can be fun. It is a great conversation starter while fueling up or if people want to come over to visit the horses. Even when people don’t have a clue who we are they will often ask if they can pet the horses or take pictures of them. It is always fun to see people who are in awe of these big animals but don’t have as much access to them. Watching a child squeal in delight at touching a soft  horse nose is always fun.

So if you see us driving down the road, like this man did, stop by and say hi. Take a photo or be prepared…I just might ask YOU to be in a photo or video.

Recognized at truck stop

Stacy Westfall recognized at truck stop, man calling his friend to tell her ‘you won’t believe who I’m standing with”

Tekonsha thought it would be interesting to do some videos called “Stops with Stacy” where I show you even more about the interesting things that go on in our travels. Pretty neat idea, right?

Watch for the first ‘Stops with Stacy’ in my blog on Monday. If you have time leave a comment with ideas on what you would like to see featured in a ‘Stops with Stacy’ episode.

Most importantly, stop by and say ‘hi’…and be prepared to be on camera!



  1. Jadwal pertandingan timnas on April 6, 2014 at 9:27 am

    I’d love to see this trailer and get to meet you. I won’t even think twice about the sweatpants, probably three times. Lol. Safe travels to you and your family….

  2. Joni Siess on April 5, 2014 at 11:30 am

    We saw you in either at EquiFest of Kansas or Horsefest in Springfield, Mo. a few years ago, can’t remember since we usually go to both. You should come back to Kansas again! I’ve enjoyed your horse blogs with Jac. Been there, done that, with the sweats and boots, gotta be comfortable, right?

  3. Roberta Norden on April 5, 2014 at 9:33 am

    I’m a bit too far north (Minnesota) to have the opportunity to catch a glimpse of your rig but I sure would enjoy following you in a pictorial of your journeys. Safe travel to you and yours.

  4. Heidi A on April 5, 2014 at 8:51 am

    Can’t wait to see you and Jac at equine Affaire next weekend 🙂

  5. Jan on April 5, 2014 at 7:56 am

    I’d love to see this trailer and get to meet you. I won’t even think twice about the sweatpants, probably three times. Lol. Safe travels to you and your family.

  6. Wendy Russ on April 4, 2014 at 10:43 pm

    Rainbows End ( private 3 horse ranch) Near Superior Montana, I-90 exit 55. Inviting you and your family to Pasture rest, spring water, and safe mountain trails if you have time. Just down the road is an indoor arena ( Tarkio Equestrian Center) with overnight stall facilities. Also, great fishing and river rafting nearby and if you come on Friday….IT’S HOMEMADE PIZZA FRIDAY! I would just pee my sweats if I saw your rig pull up our drive 😀

  7. ferg05 on April 4, 2014 at 8:01 pm

    I’d crash my truck if I saw you in our town or even on the highway! Lol. Eyes are open.

  8. Kim Wolfe on April 4, 2014 at 7:47 pm

    Think of you often.. Rambos Drag Princess had a phenomenal colt by Smartest Chic Olena. I am so tempted to call and ask Jessie to start him and make him great… Time will tell. Be well God Bless. Kim

  9. Janine on April 4, 2014 at 5:09 pm

    Sweat pants and cowgirl boots are a good reminder to all that Stacy Westfall is STILL a regular human being with needs. Blessings on your travels. Thanks for all you share of yourselves.

  10. Darlene on April 4, 2014 at 4:43 pm

    I will keep my eyes open just in case you pop thru Alabama….lol

  11. Jodi on April 4, 2014 at 4:23 pm

    So where are you now? Where are you going next? And, can you post an unobstructed view of the new wrap?

  12. ruderam1 on April 4, 2014 at 3:34 pm

    This is why you’re such a great ambassador for the equine community; you take the time to interact with strangers and seem to really enjoy doing so. So many in your position treat these encounters as a nuisance. I hope to see that trailer here in Colorado someday!

  13. ruderam1 on April 4, 2014 at 3:31 pm

    Just another reason you’re such a great ambassador for the equine industry. You take the time to visit with strangers and truly seem to enjoy it. So many in your position would treat these encounters as a nuisance. I hope to see this trailer up here in Colorado someday!

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