Do you hang a stocking for your horse? Your other animals? Bake horse cookies?

Stocking for horse

Growing up my mom taught me well.

We always headed to the barn FIRST because the animals relied on us. Sometimes we would hang a stocking…tricky if you have a clever horse. Other years there were apples and carrots to go around. I remember saving my money one year to buy the special horse treats with the peppermint in them from the local tack store.

Do you have a tradition you would like to share?

Do you hang a stocking for your horse? Your other animals? Bake horse cookies? Have a recipe to share? Merry Christmas to you…. and your animals!

Santa horse list


  1. Linda Boles on December 27, 2013 at 5:17 pm

    I actually made special horse cookies for Riverhawk last year. He hated them!! It was so funny. I had a special horse cookie recipe with oatmeal and other stuff. River wouldn’t have anything to do with the special cookies and I through them in the trash can. He loves peppermint candy and carrots. I think I will stick with that!

  2. GimmeADream on December 25, 2013 at 12:39 am

    Mine don’t get special treats at Christmas and in fact get less attention because of all the human activities that don’t involve horses or animals. But they still get fed and watered before anyone else, the same as everyday.

  3. Jodi on December 24, 2013 at 11:31 pm

    Yes, I have a stocking hung for Yankee, as well as for my two kittens, and even one for the finches. I haven’t made horse treats yet but that’s in the plans eventually. I’ll go out and see him Christmas morning before I open presents (or even have coffee and breakfast).

  4. Darlene on December 24, 2013 at 7:47 pm

    Yes, we had stockings for the the horses and fur family….now, I miss my kitty more, because at
    Christmas he would always play with the lower ornaments, and then crawl up in the tree and go to
    sleep. He was about 20 years old, passed in my arms in September, both dogs are elderly also, so
    they get little treats.
    I have, for as long as I can remember, bought my daughters’ horses cans of molasses for their
    Christmas, and when we lived close enough, I would chop apples and carrots and go out to visit
    them in their stalls on Christmas Eve. They knew a sucker when they saw one….they love the
    extra attention.

    • Linda Boles on December 27, 2013 at 5:14 pm

      I am so sorry that you lost your dear kitty in September. Thanks for giving him such a wonderful life. What great memories you have!

  5. judy on December 24, 2013 at 6:08 pm

    Yes, although no stockings, everybody gets a special treat. The horses get good old-fashioned molasses on their grain, The cat gets new toys and his favorite food…rotisserie chicken!

  6. johanna on December 24, 2013 at 5:50 pm

    well, no stockings, but Jaco does get a can of sardines and an egg in his dog food 🙂

  7. Bridget Goldsmith on December 24, 2013 at 5:41 pm

    Absolutely I hang stockings for my horse and our dog. They deserve treats too. Apples, carrots and Nickers and apple candy for Tango (horse) and rawhide, greenies, and assorted other treats for Lucy (dog). It just would not seem right to leave them out. This is the first year for Tango as I only got him in June but we love to watch Lucy root through her stocking.

  8. Dawn on December 24, 2013 at 5:21 pm

    My husband and I hang stockings for our 2 Paso finos, and I make peppermint horsey cookies for all the horses in the barn from our boys to their friends. With of course extras for them..

  9. Kim on December 24, 2013 at 4:46 pm

    I make treats for my horse all the time, in winter on cold days she gets hot mashes… I also bake for the dogs and dehydrate chicken for them. Here, animals come first as well. They get fed before we eat and chores come before fun.

  10. Heather on December 24, 2013 at 4:38 pm

    I baked horse cookies for the first time this year for my TB gelding and all his barn-mates. I got the recipe from a friend…

    3 1/2 cups oats
    1 apple, shredded
    2 large carrots, shredded
    1 1/2 cups molasses
    6 candy canes, crushed

    Mix all ingredients together and spread on a parchment-lined jelly roll pan. Bake at 300 for 1 hour. Use a pizza cutter to cut.

    **I had to actually bake another hour at 200 and then I flipped the cookies and baked another 1/2 hour. The molasses was just too sticky to cut into squares and hold their shape.

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