Connecting the Mind and Body of Horse and Rider: An interview with Stacy Westfall

Calling all podcast listeners (or those interested learning how riders often limit their results with their horses accidentally)…

Barbra Schulte had a huge impact on me when I was in college so it makes total sense that an interview with her would also be eye opening. Take a listen, we cover some really useful stuff!

Here is what Barbra wrote:

“In this episode, you’ll meet Stacy Westfall from Loudonville, Ohio. Stacy is one of the most beloved trainers and clinicians across disciplines because of her vast knowledge and delightful personality. Horses have always been and continue to be her happy place, and it’s where the world makes sense to her.

You’ll hear Stacy explain how one of the most humiliating rides of her life led to discovering bridleless riding. She later became an overnight household superstar after her bareback and bridleless ride on her special mare, Roxy.
She changed career paths at the height of her successful public horse training career because she didn’t want to lose an ounce of magic in her relationships with horses.

You’ll hear Stacy’s powerful and unique take on the connection between horse and rider. She’ll break things down into the rider’s mind, and body, and the horse’s mind, and body – with the rider’s mind being in the driver’s seat.
I know you’re going to love – and be enlightened by – what Stacy Westfall has to say.”

Apple Podcasts:…/the-barbra…/id1580053495…

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