A lesson in there somewhere

This is a great follow up to the September 27th post where we talked about falling off.

This song represents both things I have done with my horses and in my life. A great example would be when I decided to climb on a horse when I knew I was having trouble (but I was in a rush).

Has that ever happened to you “this aint the first time I’ve ignored that little voice telling me don’t go there.” That’s gotten me hurt more than once!

Unfortunately I have also lived this line in the song, ‘I bet there’s a lesson in there somewhere!….but I don’t feel like learning today…”

And you know what you get then? Another chance, and another chance, and another chance until you learn that lesson. What lessons are you repeating right now in your life? With your horses?

Isn’t that song the truth, thanks to Templeton Thompson and Sam Gay for providing this.



  1. Will Therrien on October 10, 2011 at 12:10 am

    Amen to that Stacey, more often then not, when your gut tells you something it’s usually right, but then, I can’t tell you how many times I too, didn’t care to learn that lesson till it was in my face.

    Other times, I go, go, go and its all well and good.

    I Love your videos, it shows that every horse certainly does have a personality of its own.

  2. Pat Wagner on October 8, 2011 at 2:49 pm

    That song could be titled, “Intuition – listen to it!” :0) The flip side of that sound track is, “nothing ventured, nothing gained.” Sometimes we have to take risks to see what can actually accomplish. I think Stacy, you’ve proven to us that when we step out of our comfort zones from time to time, we really can find success in our selves! Thank you for that. You are an amazing woman.

  3. Jean on October 4, 2011 at 5:47 pm

    great song!!!

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