What happens to all those nurse mare foals? I wondered this myself and when I saw a photo posted on The Last Chance Corral Facebook page I asked if they would share their story.
The story starts sad – my daughter lost her first horse to placental abruption in her last few weeks of pregnancy. I didn’t know if she would ever ride again, or have another horse. We had gone to LCC as our community service project with our 4H club, and really loved the work they do there. After not finding a horse Maddie bonded with (as all things would be forever compared to her first horse), she decided she wanted a foal to raise as her own. We went to LCC on a cold Monday night in February 2011 and “Pickle” (as we call her in the barn) was their last foal. We sat in the hay and hung out with her for probably an hour, and Maddie said “look at her eyes – this is my horse.” She came home with us 2 days later.My daughter loves music so she named the foal “That Sweet Sound” and had intended for her barn name to be “Musique.” But, whenever she would misbehave, Maddie would say “what’s your dill, pickle?” And, the name stuck. So, Pickle it is!Maddie has worked with her every day in some capacity, and as a result she has avirtually spook-free, gentle (albeit at times contrary) little filly. At about 16 mos old she took her in a halter class and place 3rd (out of about a dozen horses); since then, she’s placed in Showmanship 2-3 times in fun shows and county fair; and a junior horse class (walk/trot) at the county fair. With the vet’s go-ahead, she put her under saddle at 2 1/2…the horse never even bucked. She is stubborn and smart, though!
Maddie has done all the training herself (longeing, ground-driving, showmanship, under-saddle) – she has a trainer for guidance but no one else has ridden or handled the horse (other than turnout, and I have longed her). Pickle is now 3 years old and Maddie has her cantering, not yet pretty – but she’s responding to the cues and is on the correct lead about 99% of the time. We expect great things from her; Maddie wanted her to be a reiner, but right now she moves like an English horse, so we’ll see how she continues to evolve.LCC does great things and these little foals that are “thrown away” have SO much potential…Pickle is proof of that. We love her and are SO blessed to have her in our lives, and she has had a powerful impact on my daughter’s life.Michelle S.
- ‘Like’ them on Facebook-Spread the word-it could save a life!
- They accept volunteers to work at the barn
- they have a list of supplies (including foal blankets and how to order them) on their website http://lastchancecorral.org
- hay donation
- sawdust donation
- the website can accept cash donations
- they will be at Equine Affaire in Columbus, Ohio in April if you want to stop and talk, donate….or adopt:)
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No one taught you the skills you need to work through these things.
Riders often encounter self-doubt, fear, anxiety, frustration, and other challenging emotions at the barn. The emotions coursing through your body can add clarity, or can make your cues indistinguishable for your horse.
Learning these skills and begin communicating clearly with your horse.
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Hello, what breeds are available please. I have opening for 1 possibly 2. I’m in Illinois Thank you
You have to go to The Last Chance Corral website and read up https://www.facebook.com/notes/10153166664921354/
Then you have to call them.
I came across an ad about what you do, and I think it’s incredible that you help save the lives of these horses. When I get some land, and am finally able to build a rescue home for human trafficking victims, I will definitely be getting a horse from you. Animals are very therapeutic, and I believe not only will the horse’ life be saved, but the horse will help to save the life of the victims. Thank you for what you do.
our nurse mare foals are yearlings now! so smart and well behaved , what a joy to raise these fine babies. did I mention how smart they are? almost ready for the 2015 run to Athens.
Stacy, thank you for spreading the word about Last Chance Corral and the nurse mare foals. I especially enjoyed your video from your visit. Victoria is my hero.
sorry for the question…what is a nurse mare foal?
Love this story! and it just so happens this is our Cousin.Great Pictures! Beautiful Job!
Thank you Stacy for spreading the word!! A lot of people are completely unaware of the issue of abandoned nurse mare foals.
I’m so glad you are talking about the nurse mare foals! They are lovely 🙂
Karen Macpherson Wessinger
Through some QH Breeders and Victoria, at Last Chance we have been able to place some wonderful QHs from weanlings to adults. Our 4-H program is full of registered QHs in loving homes because of the great work of this organization. One of my niece’s “adoptions” took AQHA Reserve World Champion in 2012 and 2013. I will post a picture of her stallion “Einstein” – Radiant Design. There is so much good that happens with such a small core group of volunteers a LCC. I have to say that I missed the annual Christmas fundraiser because I have met such a wonderful and diverse group of supporters. Adopt, donate, visit, see them at Equine Affaire.
Sherri- yes, please share the photos and the story! I was also looking forward to the Christmas party. I’m not sure what I will do now because of the distance…but I will go visit in April.
Thank you many times over for saving these precious babies.