Western Dressage, Level 2 movements demonstrated

This video demonstrates the majority of the movements required in Western Dressage, Level 2, tests 1 through 4.
I made this video in the hope that it might help others who are reading the tests and wondering how the movement would look when ridden.
I don’t claim that these movements are examples of the perfect movement. For example, my mare pivots on the incorrect leg during the turn on the haunches. I do note this during the video. I did run the video by a judge to be sure that I was not misrepresenting any of the movements.
Movements demonstrated include:
Collected jog
Collected lope, 10 meters
Lengthened lope, 20 meters
I-R half circle right, 10 meters, collected jog
R-P shoulder in right
I-S half circle left 10 meters
S-V shoulder-in left
K-X-H one loop maintaining the right lead (counter lope)
I-S half circle left 10 meters
S-V haunches-in left
Working walk, R-V free walk, V-working walk
C-A serpentine, 3 equal loops quarterline to quarterline, maintaining the right lead
H-G half circle right, 10 meters, collected lope returning to the track at E
Before X-halt 3 seconds, half turn on the forehand right (haunches left)
X-half turn on the haunches or half pivot right, proceed working walk
Before X-halt 3 seconds, half turn on the forehand left (haunches right)
X-half turn on the haunches or half pivot left, proceed collected jog
Halt 3 seconds, rein back 6 steps, proceed collected jog
F-X-H change rein, collected lope, X-simple change of lead

Some of these movement deserve their own video with better angles shown. Please leave in the comments which movements you would like more information on. If certain movements get enough comments, I will make videos on those individual movements.

In 2019 I plan on showing two of my horses in Western Dressage with the goal of showing at the Western Dressage World show in October.
Along the way, I am also training and showing in traditional dressage , reining and ranch riding with Willow and Gabby.
I’m going to be sharing my journey so anyone who is interested can learn along with me.

Coming soon! Did you notice the leather rein I was riding in? It is my new western dressage rein. The same length as a traditional dressage rein but made of the same ProTack Oiled leather shown below.

Some of the items used in this series are listed below:
Weaver Leather Stacy Westfall ProTack Oiled Split Rein, 5/8-Inch x 8-Feet, Brown: https://amzn.to/2JbdIyn

Weaver Leather Stacy Westfall Stick and String: https://amzn.to/2VcOZ3G

Weaver Leather Stacy Westfall Rope Halter, Medium, Black with Blue Nose: https://amzn.to/2vIdgQl

Weaver Leather Pull-Up Fashion Chinks with Floral Yoke Set [https://amzn.to/2MONDbQ] Weaver Leather Stacy Westfall Activity Ball, Medium, Blue: [https://amzn.to/2JbslBI] Weaver Leather Trail Gear Pommel Bag: https://amzn.to/2VHvXlA

Jeans: Cowgirl Tuff- https://amzn.to/2VKeuoD

Cashel Quiet Ride Fly Mask with Ears and Long Nose – https://amzn.to/32EwqFK

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