Visiting…and riding…Roxy’s foal: Roxter

Roxter, Roxy's oldest foal and Stacy WestfallWhile I was in Germany last month I had the opportunity to visit, and ride, Roxy’s son Roxter. I was excited about the opportunity but the emotions did catch me off guard.

As many of you know Roxy had four foals via embro transfer before she died; Chloe, Roxter, Mia and Jac. As Greg explains in this video he chose to keep the mares and sell the stallions.

Sometimes people struggle with the idea of selling a horse, myself included. I think it is human nature to think that we will always be the best home for the horse. In some situations that may be true but there are many, many times that others can provide as much, or sometimes even more, for the horse. I think that Roxters story illustrates that pretty well.

Roxter was sold at the NRHA Futurity sale and a trainer who saw his potential bought him. The trainer was from Germany and he eventually shipped Roxter to that country. Once there he was sold to Annette Geisendorf who started Roxters Facebook Fan page and sent him to Grischa Ludwig for training. Grischa was very successful with Roxter in the show pen and Annette posted more casual photos from around home. Roxter even bred a few mares and it was easy to see that he had a good life…but it wasn’t the end of the story.

Someone else saw even more potential for Roxter, Ines Werner. Ines runs a charitable association named “Momo & Amy”, a therapeutic riding organization that enables access to riding therapy for needy children and young people. Roxter is involved in several ways including spending time with the children and bringing awareness through the donation of ALL of his winnings directly to the charity. His life isn’t spent in full time training, it is balanced between home, charity appearances, trail rides and show. It makes me happy to think that Roxy’s foals are impacting the world for good both in and out of the show pen.

I have no doubt that I would have enjoyed training Roxter as much as I did Jac. Upon meeting him again in Germany (I knew him last as a yearling) it was easy to see how much he looked like his mom. When Ines offered me the chance to ride him I didn’t immediately jump at it. It was enough to visit with him in his stall…at least that was what I thought. Once in the stall with him I changed my mind and said, if the offer still stood, I would love to ride him. I had to know if he felt as much like his mom as he looked.

I made a short video before I mounted up with the intention of recording more after I was done riding but that second part never happened. I wasn’t overly emotional just being around Roxter in the stall as he reminded me of his half brother, Jac…but on his back it was a different story.

It is always strange to ride a horse that I haven’t trained because they feel unfamiliar. This is the reason I had initially declined the offer to ride Roxter, I knew he wouldn’t feel familiar…but I was wrong.

Before I go on I should confess that my favorite maneuver in a reining pattern is running fast circles. People usually think it would be the spin or the slide but running always makes me feel free. When I rode Roxy bareback and bridleless it made me feel like I was part of her, that I shared her freedom, and that I might just be Alex Ramsey running down the beach on The Black Stallion.

So as soon as I loped off on Roxter I started crying. He felt so much like Roxy. The faster I ran the more he felt like her. It was amazing and bitter sweet.Roxter and Stacy running

It also caught me off guard because I have ridden all three of the other foals and Roxter feels the most like Roxy to lope on. They all have pieces of her that I can feel but each in a different way.

Thankfully Ines didn’t think I was crazy (or she hid it well, lol) and we had a great visit. I didn’t finish the video though, I knew I would get choked up and cry again so I skipped it.

It was a great trip and I’m glad that it happened. Several people had to go out of their way to make it happen including Annette who told me we would be close to where Roxter was, Katrin who drove us there, Sylvia who gave us the tour and Gricha who gave us a first hand look at Roxters spins and slides…and especially Ines who hauled Roxter to Gricha’s just so I could meet him. She has assured me that I am welcome to come back and ride him again any time. If I find the right mare I might just have to go one step above that and raise a foal by him!

If you want to see more about Roxter, check out his Facebook page and the Therapy Program “Momo & Amy”.

So much like his mom.

So much like his mom.

Check out Stacy’s full line of DVD’s

Set of Stacy Westfall DVD's


  1. Debra on September 27, 2015 at 5:55 pm

    What a wonderful story.

  2. loriel on September 25, 2015 at 4:03 pm

    I love all your posts. Thanks for sharing with us. I never thought too much about reining until you came along. 🙂 Now I have a new passion…. cowboy dressage I’m sure you get lots of requests from people but, if the Lord leads you to start a cowboy dressage series- I’m IN!! Bless you!

  3. Sherri on September 12, 2015 at 10:58 am

    I cried as I read your story and how loping felt so much like Roxy on Roxster. I am so happy you got to meet him and think it would be wonderful if you found “just the right mare” and had a little one.

  4. Pam on September 10, 2015 at 5:30 pm

    Thank you for sharing that touching story with us. I can only imagine how jumbled that situation could make your feelings. I am crying tears of joy for you that you had that bittersweet opportunity. On behalf of all of Roxy’s fans, thank you for sharing this very private moment with us.

  5. Kat on September 10, 2015 at 2:18 pm

    Stacey, when my been-there-done-that gelding aged out of being used at my farm, he was losing condition and staring holes in me. I sold him to a friend who lived out of state; she needed a guest-packer and Jake was it. She owned and loved him for over 5 years. One weekend we met up and I rode him. Just sitting on that horse I’d gone a million miles on, I knew him. His walk, his soft jog, I knew him. On leaving for home I didn’t hug him or mug on him, he hated that sort of thing. We basically shook hands and went our separate ways.

    The next weekend, Jake was found to be uncomfortable, and the vet was called. He had a ruptured colon, likely from some mass no one ever knew about. The only thing to do was let him go quickly, without pain. He was made comfortable and given two beers in his water bucket as a send off. She called me, we cried, we laughed over that funny and wonderful old man.

    I know. I know.

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