Update on foals and building

foals sleeping in sunThank you to everyone who keeps asking me for updates. It’s been busy around here, which is not an excuse but has been my reality, so I have been slacking.  The building process has been much more demanding than the foals have, they in turn have provided me with much needed entertainment. 

The foals and I established a routine and now I only make small changes to it as we go. They spend most of their time in a pasture doing their important work of eating, sleeping and growing. As this photo shows they are even entertaining when they sleep. They have a whole field and this is how they sleep…lol.

I feed them a pellet designed for foals under four months of age and I break the feeding into four times a day. I separate them sometimes to be sure that they were both getting the same amount. I decided they were based on two things; 1-they both look good 2- when separated they finished at the same time. foals feeding time

Every time I walk out to feed them I whistle and call them…so I have trained them to come when called! Most of the time they look like they do in this photo, marching up the fence to the buckets. 

Although I haven’t been posting as often on Facebook or the blog I have been doing frequent updates on Snapchat. It’s a fun way to share random videos and photos throughout the day. 

On the building front things seem like they are moving fast and slow. I’m very happy with the progress we have made but we still have a long way to go. I hope we can be mostly settled by the time it snows! My bigger goal is to be able to host some kind of event at our place next summer….whew, that seems like a big goal as we don’t have electric, septic or well hooked up yet!

Here are a few photos to show the progress. 


cabin sticks

the cabin in an early stage

cabin and barn being built

view of cabin and barn

rustic cabin being built

not quite done but getting close…on the outside anyway















Its hard to believe that I almost live next to a state park and I haven’t been trail riding on the park yet this year. I guess I need to set that as a goal for next summer…or maybe later this fall. Have you built? How long was the process? Any words of advice?


  1. Catherine on May 9, 2017 at 7:53 pm

    Not slack, it’s self care. Looking after yourself and resting when you need is a necessity. I would rather read one good blog every so often, and know that you are healthy, than read a hundred and find that you’re burnt out. You put so much energy into everything you do, it’s ok to give yourself a break from things for a while ☺

  2. Katie Kurtz on November 16, 2016 at 2:06 pm

    Whats your snapchat?

  3. Nancy Burroughs on October 7, 2016 at 4:40 pm

    Take time to pray. Go for that ride and take a break. You can’t see the forest from the trees some time. Good thing you take pictures as you can see that you really have made progress. It will all come together. It’s all good. Go ride. You are so special. Love the web page and all you’re DVDs. God bless all of you.

  4. Kathy on August 17, 2016 at 12:40 am

    Good luck with the building – its certainly a lot of hard work, especially as it eats in to time with the horses !
    I wish I had planted more fruit trees in my down time while building. The trees would be
    six years old by now and bearing fruit ! I focussed more on ornamental stuff at the time
    which in hind sight doesn’t take so long to get established.
    The best thing I did do is build a great outdoor dining area for breakfast in the sun or cool
    drinks in the evenings – it has become like an extra room of the house !

    • Stacy Westfall on September 1, 2016 at 10:29 am

      That’s great advice! I hadn’t thought about the fruit trees…I was also thinking more ornamental. I am making my outdoor area now as you did:)

      Thanks for the ideas!

  5. Gayle Decker on August 11, 2016 at 12:25 pm

    I waited, and prayed 10 years before we finally built our house. It is next door to my horse and my halter business. I’ve been here 2 years now and we are all so happy. I feed my horse everyday. Prayers for you all to be finished by snow time.

  6. Leone Hay on August 11, 2016 at 4:26 am

    I have just aquired a foal. Was nervous about it at firsr. Best thing ever. Love him. So much fun. Every moment with him is a joy. And he is so smart! And cuddly. Such a privilege.

  7. Valerie on August 10, 2016 at 11:01 pm

    Looks real nice, wish I had some advice for you. The foals are so cute laying together like that! I’m still trying to figure out snap chat, I need a youngster to show me.

  8. Jenny Cook on August 10, 2016 at 10:03 pm

    When we built our home, it took a good 6 months. Be patient.
    It may seem like a long time now, but in a year it will be a distant memory.

  9. Remona on August 10, 2016 at 7:52 pm

    I hope you never plan to separate those two. 🙂

  10. Jeanne Smith on August 10, 2016 at 6:37 pm

    We took an old barn down in Butler and brought it down to our property in Mt Gilead to become our home. It has been 10 years and we are almost finished. It takes longer when you’re doing it all yourself, but very gratifying. Good Luck with your project!

    • Stacy Westfall on September 1, 2016 at 10:31 am

      Wow, you’re really close by! Sounds amazing…maybe I’ll see you down the trail sometime.

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