The latest on…”Is Stacy Westfall a deaf mute”

Can someone post a copy of the false email that is going around right now? I wanted to write a new blog about it but I only have a copy of the old lie, the new one says I trained Roxy in 20 days or something…. can someone post a copy or a link here?

Also if you haven’t heard the news that the above is not true here is a blog post from over a year ago when I answered the question

I have to admit that it is hard to read everything posted on the internet so I had to stop searching for the new version myself. In the first two clicks I found a post asking, that if it was not true that I was deaf -then was the horse deaf? I know that these things are not meant to hurt but sometimes they do.

This post from ‘Tracy’ WAS meant to hurt  (you can find it under the comments for the above linked post)

November 28, 2012 at 3:38 pm

A very stressed horse indeed!Hence all the tongue&tail flicking!Why did you have to kick the poor horse to make it bow?Not a good video at all!!!Im sure you will only delete this though so it will only remain as a wonderful tribute to you.Once again all about the humans kudos with little thought to the horse!!!

My cue for her bow was a tap on her cannon bone. And as you can see in the photo below, a close up of her head during the run, I had been feeding her lots of peppermint treats–enough to leave a ring around her mouth!

peppermint crop I loved Roxy.


  1. Melissa on March 11, 2014 at 11:54 am

    This story is going around again! i hate when people dont check their facts

  2. Amy on February 21, 2014 at 2:37 am

    I have watched this video on Facebook so many times, and having had horses all my life I can honestly say thuis is probably the best video I have seen. The horsemanship was amazing & is something only very few people are able to do. The horse looked so in tune with you and at no time looked uncomfortable or unhappy, he was simple responding to suttle cues. Plus the riding without any gear was amazing and I cope only ever dream of being able to ride like that with so much trust. Good on you, truly fantastic !!!!!

  3. Amy on February 21, 2014 at 2:35 am

    I have watched this video on Facebook so many times, and having had horses all my life I can honestly say this is probably the best video I have seen. The horsemanship was amazing & is something only very few people are able to do. The horse looked so in tune with you and at no time looked uncomfortable or unhappy, he was simple responding to suttle cues. Plus the riding without any gear was amazing and I cope only ever dream of being able to ride like that with so much trust. Good on you, truly fantastic !!!!!

  4. Amanda on February 19, 2014 at 1:08 am

    Hard isn’t it when someone mouths off without any idea of what is actually happening.. Kudos to you Stacy and your beautiful Roxy..I’ll never forget the love you have for her!

  5. Steve Kypers on November 14, 2013 at 9:24 am

    I am not a horse person. meaning I don’t have a horse, and have not ridden in many many years… I saw the video of your competition in ’06 and was impressed beyond belief. I don’t understand why people do not feel the original (true) story is good enough. Truly an amazing thing for me to see. Kudos!

  6. Joy Yearwood on November 2, 2013 at 1:04 am

    Stacy, I saw the video of you and Roxy, and it did say those things on there. But I also watched a video of you on the Ellen show and it made me wonder how you could have this conversation with her if that lie were true. But, I tell you one thing, I truly enjoyed that video!!!!!! You did one hell of a good job with that horse and I had to watch that video over and over because it was spectacular!!!!!!! I am saddened to hear Roxy has passed. She was a beautiful horse. keep up the good work!!! 🙂

  7. shawna clark on October 30, 2013 at 8:52 pm

    The video was nothing lessthan breathtaking and amazing.! You tell there was so much work and bonding and love here anyone with true horsemanship can tell how this is truly amazing!!! Stacy is one of my idols forever and always!!

  8. Susan on August 13, 2013 at 10:52 am

    It’s a puzzle as to why some folks feel they have to say things that aren’t true about someone such as Stacey who is a very honorable person, as well as a good enough horse trainer to hold her own when it comes to being a much sought after teacher in that field.

    • 4_Mustang_Sally on September 27, 2013 at 11:26 am

           I sure am glad that I did not receive that e-mail. Someone is just so jealous of her talents, that have to try and rip them apart. Any one with any commence  knows better.


      • Mary Ann on September 27, 2013 at 2:34 pm

        I have seen it again recently. I just posted a link to her interview with Ellen where she can obviously speak and hear. It’s kind of silly of people to embellish it. Horses don’t need you to speak or hear to learn anyway. It’s through feel. Nothing against anyone who can’t hear or speak, bit it should not make much difference in how well they ride.

  9. Kandice Wright on August 2, 2013 at 9:11 pm

    Here it is Aug 2013 and twice this year I have seen the false FaceBook post about you being a deaf-mute. Today was the most recent. Irritates me that people spread such false information. I quickly correct the person who posted it and I reposted the false requesting that all my horse loving friends to please spread the word that the story is false. I think you are an amazing person and the horse is fabulous.

  10. Lisbeth Odén on July 22, 2013 at 9:19 pm

    Hi Stacy –

    So admire your work. It looks like this video is making the rounds again with a few new embellishments.

    The ride is amazing in and of itself – why must people twist great things in a false attempt to make it even better.

    Dont let the jerks get you down!


  11. Mary Ann Black on May 28, 2013 at 8:40 pm

    There is a link on FaceBook to your video on Buck Buchanan’s page. It says you are a deaf-mute girl that hasn’t ridden for three weeks before the video. It says you are training this horse for a client and only had it 20 days as of the time of the ride shown. (Hasn’t ridden in 21 days, but only had horse 20 days, so when was it ridden???)
    I think you did an awesome job with how it really is without having to add all this wild stuff to it. Great job and all of us horse people know what reality is and that this horse was not mistreated in any way. Great job Stacy!

  12. Morgan on January 5, 2013 at 12:34 am

    Stacy you are amazing!! Seeing a few ridiculous people criticize you reminds me that there will always be a few negative wackos out there no matter how great you are, and it is them and not you!! Thanks for helping me to see my own critics more clearly.

  13. Amanda Accordino on December 18, 2012 at 12:24 am

    Do not for a SECOND think that people don’t know you love Roxy. Don’t let these words hurt you. After all, they truly are JUST words. Some people don’t know what the heck they’re talking about but still have the need to put their two cents in. We all do it sometimes whether we realize it or not, but the difference is sometimes our two cents is much more positive than others.
    So again, please don’t let the minority discourage you. The rest of us know the truth and THAT is what matters. <3

    • Rita Richardson on December 20, 2012 at 3:18 pm

      I completely agree…Lots of weird jealous folks out there with too much time on their hands and too little good intention. We all support you and yr loving work stacy. Happy holidays

  14. Vicki on December 11, 2012 at 8:35 pm

    Hi Stacy-I saw the video on facebook a couple weeks ago. I told them that you were NOT deaf & mute, and that in fact, that very video of you and Roxy was what I set up as a goal for me -a novice-and my little formerly wild mustang with whom I have a bond. If I can find it on facebook again, I will send it to you.

  15. johanna on December 11, 2012 at 1:48 am

    oh my goodness-
    some people are so ignorant. i am so sorry you have to deal with that stuff on top of the devastating losses you have experienced over the past year or two.
    i am bummed that there are so many ”trolls” on the internet/facebook that try to make others’ lives so miserable!
    please know that anybody who knows animals, understands and can see CLEARLY what a great animal handler, rider and trainer you are; and most importantly your love for animals, including horses, is OBVIOUS and self-evident.
    anybody who doubts that simply does not have a clue about animals OR people!
    do not worry your pretty head about these negative, fear-based, misunderstood and misguided people and their comments!
    as a vet and animal trainer, i admire your work greatly and share not only your videos but also your website to many animal and non-animal people alike, whenever i get the chance.
    keep up the good work–i look forward to more of your amazing and extremely professional work.

  16. Mieke on December 9, 2012 at 3:07 pm

    Stacy, one of the people spreading the lies on Facebook (in Dutch) about you being deaf and mute is Rik Van Leuven: his message has more than 25000 shares! I sent him a message with a link to correct info about you. And I posted about it on my own wall.

    Keep up the good work!

  17. Rita Woodworth Richardson, TN on December 8, 2012 at 10:04 am

    Stacy, I am way behind on this, but I just saw the video…I am sorry folks start falsehoods, but it really doesn’t matter…YOU AND ROXY ARE AMAZING!!!!!! I have watched it twice and cried my eyes out…absolutely amazing work. I am slowly reconnecting with my lost Cherokee family here in the Southeast, since my line was run out of here on the Trail of Tears. It is very touching to me if some of these techniques are indeed Native American, and even if they are not, I would love to know how you did this. I grew up riding bareback and I loved it so much. God Bless You.

  18. laura on December 7, 2012 at 8:12 pm

    I saw this video on FB and knew it was not true so I instantly informed the people sharing it that is was crap. Its hard to believe people start these things. I am involved in the horse industry and know the hard work and determination it takes and I greatly admire your abilities and accomplishments.

  19. Peter Murphy on December 7, 2012 at 7:36 pm

    I posted a comment just today, but don’t see it. Don’t want to sound whiny, but as a mute person I do like to be acknowledged. Sounds stupid I know. But once again as a horse lover and rider- it was one helluva nice looking ride! I knew the post was phony and let my friend know that. She was just trying to cheer me up. Keep on with your fine work with the horses.

  20. Jennifer Kirschenman on December 7, 2012 at 1:02 pm

    Stacy, I would like you to know how much I Loved your Original YouTube Video of your Memorible ride. Made me Cry, I could see the love that you and Roxy Shared, I never have even thought that you could or would be mean or cruel to Roxy let alone any horse. If any real Horse person would watch this video they could see the Love that Roxy had for you and you had for Roxy. I know you can train a horse to do just about anything, But to me, I think that the horse will not do what they are asked that willingly unless they Love what they do and LOVE the person that is asking. You do amazing work, and you should be proud of yourself. Don’t let others get you down. Like someone on this blog stated, These Mean people obviously are Lacking love for themselves, and I think they need to look at themselves and find something else to make themselves happy other than hurt others with their words.

    I also post the truth when I see dumb comments like what are being posted.
    God Bless you, and may you Continue to Amaze the world with your Talent and Love of Horses.

  21. Jane Fitch on December 7, 2012 at 10:30 am

    Anyone should be able to see the connection you had with Roxy. It is a beautiful thing to watch, and you can tell from the body language of both you and her, that your connection was powerful and loving. It is amazing and so inspirational to watch.

  22. Kaylene Crook on December 7, 2012 at 6:29 am

    Just a quick comment from someone who has really been out of the horse world for the past decade. I first saw the clip recently on a Facebook link that a friend liked. I watched the clip and then decided to research the rider as I was so inspired by what I saw. Even though the story written about the clip was untrue and misleading, it still displayed the westfall horsemanship logo at the start, which gave me a start when researching. I have now been able to comment on Facebook to say that the story is untrue and even used the term “that for a deaf/mute girl she can talk really well in horsemanship clips I saw on youtube”. A positive from all this is that Stacy has now been shown to a wider audience and if people are truly interested and inspired, they will find out the truth. I am seriously considering purchasing Stacy’s dvds (to help with a young horse I have), although I seem to be having difficulty finding suppliers in Austraila.

  23. Vicki Tate on December 6, 2012 at 10:26 pm

    I got the email with the caption that read something like death mute Indian girl trains horse in twenty days. I didn’t open it for day’s, then when I did I watched it and as always it makes me cry it is so wonderful! I told the fella that sent it after working with you I thought you would find that funny . It really is a beautiful performance done with such feeling….

  24. Summer on December 6, 2012 at 7:29 pm

    this is the link i have seen multiple times on facebook.!/photo.php?v=10151247520933901

    • Summer on December 6, 2012 at 7:30 pm

      ^the description is what says it.

  25. Susan Miller on December 6, 2012 at 2:21 pm

    The “email” it circulating on Facebook….

    this was POSTED on FACEBOOK by a gal named…. Donna Artechi Perry from Lufkin, Tx (I will try to “share this over on your FB page…)

    Girl on Horseback

    A deaf-mute girl on a horse that she has ridden for only THREE weeks!!, not to mention the song she picked out to dedicate to her deceased father! Listen to the announcer’s voice crack! The horse she is riding is not eve n hers; she is training it for a client and has had it only 20 days at the time of the ride shown here. Note that she rides without a saddle or halter and bit and (obviously) without voice commands. She is using the method used by North American Indians. When you think your voice can’t be heard I want each of you to watch this Video. She has no voice. She cannot hear. Yet she has persevered and achieved! Thought you all would enjoy this


  26. Janie Duckworth on December 6, 2012 at 11:51 am

    Forgive me if you already received your fair share of responses! I keep getting this from friends who have no idea who you are or what you do. They think it’s cool. Believe me, I keep setting everyone straight!!

    Posted on my wall:!/photo.php?v=10151247520933901

    Donna Artechi Perry

    Girl on Horseback

    A deaf-mute girl on a horse that she has ridden for only THREE weeks!!, not to mention the song she picked out to dedicate to her deceased father! Listen to the announcer’s voice crack! The horse she is riding is not even hers; she is training it for a client and has had it only 20 days at the time of the ride shown here. Note that she rides without a saddle or halter and bit and (obviously) without voice commands. She is using the method used by North American Indians. When you think your voice can’t be heard I want each of you to watch this Video. She has no voice. She cannot hear. Yet she has persevered and achieved! Thought you all would enjoy this — with Casey LynnCampbell, Brian Coghill, Lisa Santa Cruz and Jessica Santa Cruz.

    Share · November 24

    5 people like this.

  27. Paula Kurtenbach on December 6, 2012 at 11:10 am

    Seriously Stacy,

    I am definitely a novice to natural horsemanship, but even I know that a horse licking it’s lips is a sign of relaxation. That’s one of the first things that all of the trainers advocating natural horsemanship teach. All the more reason to lick if you’ve been eating peppermints. The last thing that my horses do when they’re scared is eat. When they’re scared all they’re thinking is: fight or flight?

    If you’ve spent any time at all with horses, it’s easy to see how relaxed Roxy was during the entire performance – and how much she enjoyed understanding your cues and getting them right. She clearly felt safe with you. Even surrounded by a screaming crowd, it’s obvious that she felt perfectly safe with you … so difficult to achieve with a horse and you make it so natural.

    I’ve read several articles about tail flicking and they all say that horses do that to balance – like when they’re moving sideways, backing quickly, changing leads, or making sure that they don’t drop the rider when she’s standing up. I have an old arabian that’s a master at staying under the rider – even kids learning to ride. If you watch the video – which is just as beautiful and amazing now as the first time I saw it, you can see that she’s only flicking her tail when she needs to. The fact that she is able to flick her tail at all in a world where some trainers block horse’s tails so that they’ll appear more perfect in the show ring speaks to how much you care about your horses.

    I often wonder why there are so many people in the world who look to get attention by cutting down someone who’s worked hard to be excellent … someone who cares enough to stick her neck out and share what she’s learned with the rest of use.

    Thanks for caring. You make a difference to people like me who would like to be better with our horses.

    It’s obvious that you loved Roxy and that you had an amazing bond with her and helped to give her an amaxing life that touched many people. You & Roxy showed us what is possible when we take the time to understand a horse and teach it in a way that it understands.

    Merry Christmas! & have a great New Year.

    • Mari-Ann Lauron on December 6, 2012 at 11:43 am

      Thank you for posting such a beautiful and well thought comment!

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