🥰Love can be soft, hard, strong, fierce and bold.

Your horse has priorities. These are like rungs on a ladder, and when you skip one, things don’t work well. Many empathetic riders accidentally skip the second rung. They want their horse to feel safe and secure, but they make the mistake of trying to create safety with ‘soft’ love. Love is amazing, but it…

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Episode 120: My horse is a bully. Where do I start?

The first six minutes of this episode could change how you think about horses forever. Where would you start with a horse that is a bully when leading to and from the pasture, pins ears when feeding, pulls back with the farrier and sometimes when trailer loading too… On a positive note she does collect…

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How to better understand what the horse would excel at.

“Do you have anything to offer us in matching you to a new horse (horse purchase)? How to know which horse will pair up nicely, and how to understand the capabilities of the horse I order to match your goals, and possibly getting a better understanding of what the horse is most interested in before…

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Horses: how to create a seasoned traveler

One week ago, Presto was beginning the longest haul he has done yet. Here are my answers to some of the questions you asked. ❓?How often do you stop to let the horses rest? Offer water, etc? Do you unload, if so when and how often?-Shirley How often I stop depends somewhat on the horse…

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Ep 84: Clicker training horses- a conversation with Mustang Maddy

Does clicker training work with horses? Won’t they just start looking for treats all the time? In this podcast, I’m talking with Mustang Maddy about clicker training horses. We discuss positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, staying safe, mental barriers to trying new training techniques and more. She outlines the steps she uses to safely introduce the…

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