I have officially been in the truck too long! I found this video on Youtube where they are comparing ‘regular people’ and ‘horse people’ and the clip at 5:55 had me laughing with tears in my eyes!
This could be caused by the fact that yesterday we spent ten hours in the truck pulling the trailer from Ohio back toward Texas and we are back in it today…already two and a half hours down the road. Our kids have been raised driving long distances and I have always wondered how this has affected them.
Two years ago we pulled into our destination after a five hour drive and our ten year old said, “Wow, we’re here already!
We have known for years that all this travel is good for the horses…maybe it is good training for the kids also!
**Here is the video…leave a comment and let me know which you thought was the funniest.**
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Haha, since I started riding my car has been looking as if I am living in it. So messy! Therefore my favourite of the video 🙂
ha ha ha! I’m not sure what was funniest.. crap on the hands, what was her horses’ name, gotta pee… lmao! Thanks for sharing 🙂
That was just great, could relate to all, my friends used to think I was nuts getting up at the crack of dawn to ride – I just couldn’t think of anything I’d rather be doing 🙂 Thanks for the laugh
Definitely the horse people video.
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I can relate! My husband got a giggle out of the looking at studs 🙂
At 69 I’m still peeing in the stall. Who wants to take the time to walk to the house.
bahahahahahaha @Carole…. you made me almost Pee in my pants…..but I will head to my bathroom instead….lol
I loved the “what was her horses name?”
“Oh yeah! The one with a lot of chrome”
Admittedly I like that one because I do that also, plus I use them as landmarks. “Oh! By the one place with the leopard appy mare.”
The part where they could only remember a person by the horse they rode! I actually got in an argument with my brother in law once because I asked that same question. We grew up riding together so when he was asking me about someone we knew my exact response was, “What did her horse look like?”. He was like, “How the he** should I know!”. To which I responded, “I don’t know why you were there but I was there for the horses!”
The stall & looking at studs! Priceless!
Great video. My favorite part was stepping in the manure, too. Pretty true.
Juanita I am with you. Stalls make the best bathrooms!
I loved them all! The tote being too heavy so funny! Horse people are awesome!
My fav is the bathroom stall. What horse person hasn’t done it in a horse trailer too. 🙂
Her expression while zipping her pants was the best of the best to me
Well, it’s confirmed. I’M A HORSE PERSON. It kind of makes me feel like part of a big family. It’s not just me that’s crazy, there are lots of us, all over the world. The language is universal. I can relate to everything in the video, but I found the messy car the funniest. The dog looking in wander “were are you going to sit”? Is something I can really relate to.
LOL pretty funny for sure.
This was pure awesome… I can so relate to NOT using a public bathroom!!
I thought the Crap on the hand @ 2:45 was pretty funny!!!! and the peeing in the stall…been there done that….lol
I like the: regular people, “ugh I haven’t eaten since breakfast! I’m starving!”. Horse people: “hmmm…. Wednesday… Yeah I think I ate on Wednesday. Oh well, I’ll just have a beer.”
Well I can relate to the stepping in manure. I have Ariats that I ride in and on occasion wear to work….should remember to clean before wearing to work, haha. Then it’s the hand thing…do you know where my hands have been? LOL. Then the trunk in back of my car is my saddle and I lug it and also the hay bale. All were good for a chuckle, thanks 🙂