Mistakes during simple and flying lead changes: Episode 10-The trail to the World Show

Lead changes are simply lead departures to a new lead. Simple idea. Complex execution.
Lead changes are often considered simple, ‘because the horses do them in the pasture’ but in reality, cueing them in a precise spot, with a rider changes the equation substantially.

In this video, I show good and not-so-good transitions with Willow. I also put the lead change into slow motion so you can see it happen. Willow and I will keep practicing so we can improve our communication. It is interesting to note that I don’t have spurs on during this season. Willow tries so hard that I take them off from time to time to be sure that I am not over cueing.

I also took Gabby to her first horse show alone. This was her first time showing in AQHA Ranch Riding. I really wish I had done a better job showing her. My brain and body reverted back to a few years ago when I was showing Newt, who was very seasoned and trained. He didn’t need help. I should have helped Gabby more by preparing for my transitions better…but I didn’t. Oh, well. Maybe next time.

It was still a great opportunity to ‘season’ her by giving her the experience. Next time, maybe I’ll ride better and our scores will go up.

In 2019 I plan on showing two of my horses in Western Dressage with the goal of showing at the Western Dressage World show in October.
Along the way, I am also training and showing in traditional dressage, reining and ranch riding with my quarter horses.
I’m going to be sharing my journey so anyone who is interested can learn along with me.


Weaver Leather Stacy Westfall ProTack Oiled Split Rein, 5/8-Inch x 8-Feet, Brown: https://amzn.to/2JbdIyn

Weaver Leather Stacy Westfall Stick and String: https://amzn.to/2VcOZ3G

Weaver Leather Stacy Westfall Rope Halter, Medium, Black with Blue Nose: https://amzn.to/2vIdgQl

Weaver Leather Stacy Westfall Activity Ball, Medium, Blue: [https://amzn.to/2JbslBI]


#westerndressage #WDAA
#Ranch riding pattern 5


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