This is a short video done at Equitana in Australia last November. It is kind of funny because the horse is having a little fun with me.
Here is another link for more reading
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No one taught you the skills you need to work through these things.
Riders often encounter self-doubt, fear, anxiety, frustration, and other challenging emotions at the barn. The emotions coursing through your body can add clarity, or can make your cues indistinguishable for your horse.
Learning these skills and begin communicating clearly with your horse.
Click here to learn more.
Siempre he tratado con caballos toda mi vida y mi vida son ellos..
that is really awesome!
Very cool! I’d love to attend one of your clinics!
We really enjoyed your Master Class at equitana. Your skill, coupled with your sense of humour is so inspiring. Lots of your tips and ideas we gleaned from your session have been immensely helpful with training our cutting futurity filly and our older ones. Thank you again for coming to Australia. I would have loved to have met you, but time constraints did not allow it.
It seems weird though, that of all the places we could have been, there my family is, sitting in the middle of the screen closest to the camera. My son’s hat showing up clearly , with the four of us riveted on your session. who’d a thought it? Something to do with the laws of attraction I think!!!!
El Rancho Geriatrico, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan
Yes, anybody watching you on a horse will be impressed, but those who haven’t done a bit of horse training can’t really appreciate your mastery of the art. We used to breed and show Arabs. All I ever accomplished was to get fairly good at training a horse for Western Pleasure. So I got where I could get the critter to take its leads and walk-trot-canter-hand gallop on cue. But watching what you do (eg: On the black at the ’06 quarter horse congress) is nearly as awe inspiring as watching good girl gymnasts do what they do. Sometimes I think, no, that can’t be. They must be faking it.
I hadn’t ridden for a dozen years. Got careless on an adopted mustang and got hurt. But last April I got a Paso Fino, a well trained 12 year old show horse. And I’m having to learn to ride all over again. The Paso is a different animal.
Why Rancho Geriatrico? 30 year old quarter horse, 14 year old Sheltie, and I’m not 80 anymore.
Bill Swart