When I decided to make this series of videos with Tekonsha on trailer loading I wanted them to be very thorough because groundwork and trailer loading go hand in hand. So in these two segments you will see more of the basic groundwork you should be able to perform before you even atempt to load into the trailer.
Did I mention I wanted this to be thorough? Here are a few more exercises to do with your horse for better control before you even head to the trailer.
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No one taught you the skills you need to work through these things.
Riders often encounter self-doubt, fear, anxiety, frustration, and other challenging emotions at the barn. The emotions coursing through your body can add clarity, or can make your cues indistinguishable for your horse.
Learning these skills and begin communicating clearly with your horse.
Click here to learn more.
Thank you. 🙂
I love these videos! Being a new rider at 53 as well as having a 19 yr old horse who isn’t used to trailering much these will be awesome exercises for us to do to practice safely! We still haven’t found a trailer that is just the right size…..but, we can still practice! Thanks Stacy!
I find these clips every interesting. Seems like I had seen the first one a few weeks ago. Can you give the link t the first 2?? That would be great.
Also as what age to you start teaching these things? I have had a lot of foals over the years and by the time they are weaned they halter lead tie pick up feet and so on but they learn to trailer by following their dam on to the trailer several times get use to it then I just lead them on. I can see the advantages to this but tend not to do a lot of extra ground work with weanlings.
I am going to try some of these thing with my older stallion that I mentioned on anouther thread. Not sure if it will help as he has been trailered quite a bit and will move every part of his body when asked. His is more a “Oh my god something is going to eat me” moment that comes from past abbuse.
Thanks a gain,
I love these segments. They would have been so helpful way back when we were young, new horse owners 🙂 I know they will help many. Love, mom
I laugh thinking about not being able to get Bay out of the trailer, remember when we had to park it in the pasture because we couldn’t get her out, lol.
We had a 4-H member whose horse loaded in a neighbors (slant with a rear tack) trailer, but would not unload at the 4-H meeting. We ended up disassembling the entire rear tack for the horse to turn around and unload….