Episode 8: Failure vs Disappointment surrounding horses and riders

“If you are in a situation where all you can do is keep your horses healthy and fed, you have permission not to feel like a failure.” Stacy Westfall Share on X

I get a lot of emails and comments from people who are afraid that they are giving their horse the wrong cues. They are afraid they will fail their horse by not keeping their commitment to riding. They are concerned about reading their horses body language wrong. They fear doing the wrong thing. They feel like they are letting their horse down.

When I read these, I wonder where your failure line is.  In my mind, I have a line drawn that is where I would consider would be failing my horse. Don’t leave failing your horse as a vague idea. Consciously decide where that line is drawn. In this episode, I share my clearly-defined failure lines with you, I’ll be discussing failure lines and disappointment lines, because it is important to separate these in your mind.

“It's important to understand what we label as disappointments and what we label as failures, because the words we use and how we speak to ourselves affects us.” Stacy Westfall Share on X

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Podcasting from a little cabin on a hill. This is the Westfall podcast. Stacy's goal is simple to teach you to understand why horses do what they do, as well as the action steps for creating clear, confident communication with your horses.

Hello, I'm Stacey Westfall, and I teach people how to understand, enjoy and successfully train their own horses in this first season of the podcast. I'm discussing issues that I frequently see impacting the way that riders think.

In today's episode, I'd like to discuss the idea of failing your horse. When I look through my email, I get lots of comments or phrases that sound like this. People say they are afraid that they will fail to give the correct cues. They are afraid that they will fail their horse by not keeping their commitment to riding. They're concerned. What if I read my horse's body language wrong? They fear doing the wrong thing. They fear not being good enough to teach the horse what he needs. They report feeling like I'm letting my horse down. And they say things like, I think I worry about hurting my rescue and I allow that to hold us both back. When I read these, one thought that I have is where is your failure line? I actually have in my mind a line drawn where I consider myself to have failed a horse. I would suggest that you don't leave this as a vague idea. You need to actually consciously decide where that line is. For me, my failure lines are pretty clearly defined and I'm going to share them with you. And yes, I did just say lines as in plural. To make it a little bit more clear, what you're gonna hear me discuss is failure line and disappointment lines. And I think they're different. And I think it's very important if you can separate those two ideas in your mind. My bottom line is what I consider the failure line in my world. I define my failure line with my horses as I would be failing if my horses do not have adequate food, shelter and a basic level of health and enjoyment. So for me, that means they need to have access to, at a minimum, clean water safe. Hey, meaning not moldy.

Not poor quality that could harm them in enough nutrients that their body score is around 15. Which means that if I run my finger down their ribs, I can just feel their ribs when I press, but I can't see them. It also means that they get their hooves trimmed regularly. They're dewormed regularly. And if there were an emergency, I would call the vet for things that I couldn't handle. This, if I were not able to provide, would be where I would feel like I was failing my horse. Do I aim to go above this line? Absolutely. There are many times that my horses see the dentist very regularly and they have massages and chiropractic work and some of them were blankets because that helps them because they're athletes and they don't have to worry about overheating or lengthy times cooling in the winter. There's all kinds of different ways that I can go above my failure line. But that also means that on a year when the hay around me is not the best hay year. I buy the best hay that's available, and I realize that just because last year was better than this year, the horses are still gonna be fine. So there's a difference between my failure line and my kind of disappointment line so I can be disappointed in the quality of hay. But as long as it's safe this year, that's gonna be OK. I'm not gonna beat myself up over it.

It also gives me the freedom to treat the horses a little bit more like individuals. So some might get chiropractic treatments. Some might get massages. Some might not. It's just influences the way that I think about the horses in the way that I think about myself. I think that a lot of times people are more clear about where their failure line is when they're thinking about health care than they are when they're thinking about training. For me, the basic failure line for training is that the horse has a fundamental understanding so that I can hold the horse for the vet or the farrier. Now I know that seems very basic, but. The baseline line, the failure line for me would be if I'd had the horse for a sufficient amount of time to be able to change that, so I'm not going to considered a failure. If a horse gets dropped off at my house in two hours later, we're not crossing a certain line. But. I want to see where how quickly I can reach that basic line of being able to handle them. Because, again, it goes back to being it will keep them safe and healthy. No, I'm not aiming for these failure lines as my highest lines, but I'm admitting that the failure line is actually fairly low in then a lot of the lines that I stack up above that I would rather label as disappointment lines.

So back to the example of, hey, if there's a hey year where getting the hay off is really difficult. And so we end up with a lot of first cutting hay. It's there's nothing wrong with it, but it's not in its prime when it was cut. And it just isn't realistic to be able to reach outside and get different. Hey, there's nothing that's gonna be hurt, but I can be a little bit disappointed in that. Hey, even though it's not a failure of the horses, the horses are still bodies scoring well and the horses are still happy and fine. I often see that people are actually drawing these failure lines around things that would be something I would label more as a human disappointment. For example, not reaching its full potential. So if somebody feels like they failed their horse because the horse didn't reach their full potential, that's more of this human disappointment. Let's look back over the original list. So feeling like a failure because you're giving the wrong cues where you're gonna set that line. What if you read your horses body wrong? What if you do the wrong thing? What does it mean when you say let your horse down? And again, reaching their full potential. Now, if you are running into problems where you feel like there's enough confusion to either you or the horse is not safe, I suggest you get professional help right now.

And that could be. Pulling up an Internet search and searching for somebody locally where you can go take some lessons. Hire somebody to come over, work with your horse at your house. Go to their house to work with your horse, do something that gets you some hands on help with a professional right now if you feel that either one of you is unsafe. But as far as reaching their full potential or these general feelings of failing the horse, almost always the person that's really worried about this is more likely that they're asking too little of the horse then that they're asking too much of the horse. So maybe this will make it a little bit more clear. If you picture in your mind a confident little rider and a confident little pony. So just don't know. Maybe it's something you saw on the Internet. Maybe it's something you remember from your childhood. But picture this little pony and this confident little kid. When you picture that, when I picture that neither one of those involved is overthinking the cues or the pressure or the position. Nobody's really worried about who's failing, who or any of these little nuance things that I tend to see in adult riders. Now, you'll also notice that you probably didn't picture them at the Olympics, so maybe they weren't reaching the highest levels of competition.

But in your mind, they probably looked happy and confident. That's a good place to aim for. Again, I don't think if your struggling to reach that, that it's a failure of your horse. It's a learning stage. When I have people over at my house for clinics, I often give lessons on some of my finished horses, and I find it really interesting that when I do, people will frequently apologize while they're on my horse and they're trying to figure all the buttons. So they're trying to figure out how to do shoulder in or they're trying to figure out how to raise and lower the horse's head. And they will often apologize. Over and over again because they feel like they're somehow messing something up or offending the horse or somehow causing him stress that is going to really bother him. But when I look at the horse, I see that he's simply trying to decipher what they want. If they stop queuing. So if they're riding around and they're all flustered and I say, why don't you just stop and take a break as soon as they stop queuing and he stops. He's completely fine. No stress, no fret, no worry. So everything that they're reading as offended or worried is really just a lot of questions that he's asking, because as they slide their right leg forward and their left leg back in and they're not that aware of where their legs are in relationship, B, he is and he's doing things with his body and they're walking and he's moving in different ways.

What happens is they're judging themselves because they're not touching the quote unquote, right button. But the horse isn't judging them. He's just simply trying to guess what they want and moving and reflecting what they're doing. But they're the ones that are putting all these worried and offended and all these judging human type things on top of it. At the end of the day, when I watch, if anything, I see him giving less than what he's capable of because they're not holding him to a higher standard as what I do. But what's really interesting, again, is all of these emotions and feelings that are stacked on top of it. When I stop and have them take a break, if I can get them to understand that all they're doing is having a conversation. And when they move their leg and he moves his body and they didn't mean to move his body, that he's not judging, he's just reflecting what they did. And he's basically asking a question. And you can rephrase. You can reposition your body. You can move it back. You can go, oh, I didn't know that was gonna happen if I did that. And he's not offended. He's just. Following along in the conversation when I can get people to look at it like that, they start to realize that again.

This is a conversation with a horse, so it's not like having a programmed computer where you poke a certain button and a certain thing happens. So there is this gray zone of a conversation and it's this lack of clarity that's happening because the two involved in this conversation, meaning my horse and the person that's at the clinic, this lack of clarity is just a chance for them to learn. And in this example, the person riding my really well-trained horse gets to learn what happens when they move their body a certain way, how it can be reflected in the horse. Now, when I was growing up, I worked at a place where we gave a lot of beginner lessons. And what ended up happening was that those horses weren't as highly trained. I didn't know nearly as much as I do now. Back when I was in high school and those horses actually got really smart to the point where they just started not responding to the people that they didn't feel like listening to and the people didn't know what to do. So the horses were like, cool, if I don't move, then they just get off and get done because they are afraid to hold me accountable. And I'm OK with that. I'll just stand here, ignore them. And it confused me when I was growing up because the person would be sitting there and I'd be saying, use their legs and they would be using their legs and the horse would not move because the horse had learned that it could kind of say, no, not for you.

I don't think you really are committed. But then I would get on and I'd barely do anything and the horse would go. So it's very interesting. I talk to another podcast about grandmas rules so these horses can get real smart. During these conversations as to where everybody's drawing those lines. But I wanted to have this conversation with you today because the idea of failing your horse, if you're holding yourself to a super high standard while you're learning and you're labeling it failure, that can be really crippling. So when you draw your failure lines, be really clear about what you're calling failure and what you're calling disappointment. If you are aiming to be able to do a leg yield and you're struggling with a leg yield and it's either that you don't understand it or that you're having trouble coordinating your hands and your legs and your thought and all these different things, at the end of the day, if your horse is well-fed, cared for, he doesn't really care that much about your leg. You. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that part of this conversation is that if you're listening to this and you feel like you need permission.

If that would help you, then I want to give you permission that if you're in a situation where it's either the stage of life you're in or the stage of learning or whatever is going on. If you're in a situation where all you can do right now is simply keep your horses healthy and fed and that's maxing you out, that can be finances. That could be time. That could be emotional energy. I'm giving you permission not to feel like a failure. And if you're listening and you're working really hard on improving yourself, you're pushing yourself to learn more about horses and to be more committed and to do more and achieve more. No, that's still your horse is still happy and healthy. That's enough, like your horse isn't now moving its level of calling you a failure up if you can't figure out the leg yield, it's not moving that line if it's happy and healthy and well-cared for. Still not failing. The next time that you're in a situation where you feel like you want to label something as a failure, where you made a mistake, ask yourself this question. If you put a 10 year old child onto this horse and they made that mistake, would you then consider this horse's future completely ruined? If you're not actively harming the horse, it's probably not as big a deal as it feels like it might be.

And one last segment that I've noticed is following me when I read the comments. If you're a professional and you're feeling pressure from customers or clients, remember that you get to set your own standards. And if your standards and your client standards don't line up, the sooner you both realize that, the better. One of my most popular blogs that I've written is called The First Horse. I refused to train and it basically just tells the story about the first time I realized that my standards and the customer standards weren't lining up and how I walked my way out of that. I think it's really important that we understand what we're labeling failures and what we are labeling disappointments, because the way that we speak to ourselves and the words that we use are going to impact us. If you've been enjoying these podcasts and your listening on the computer right now, as I close, I'd like to encourage you to try subscribing from your smartphone. That way, you'll never miss an episode and you can listen wire in the car or in the barn like I do. I know that in the comments back at Stacy Westfall dot com, a lot of you said that your first time podcast listeners, which is really cool. I love podcasts. I listen to them all the time and subscribing can be kind of intimidating.

I actually put instructions right there on the Web site and you can also keep in mind that you can do it a lot of other people have done. And you can simply hand your phone to somebody that you trust who's good with tech and say, hey, will you sign me up for this totally free.

Absolutely fun. I hope you're enjoying this so much as I am. Thanks for listening. And I'll see you next week.

If you enjoy listening to Stacie's podcasts, please visit Stacy Westfall dot com for articles, videos and tips to help you and your horse succeed.

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“I'm not aiming for the failure lines. They are fairly low. The lines I stack above the failure lines are what I would label as disappointment lines.” Stacy Westfall Share on X

Links and Resources:

The First Horse I Refused to Train


  1. April on January 19, 2021 at 12:54 pm

    Hi Stacy, I’m a newbie to your podcast and can’t put it down. This episode really “hit” me— so much that I started crying when you gave us permission not to feel like a failure. I realized I have been beating myself up for the past year, feeling like a failure all the time. It has always been my dream to have my own ranch and my own horses; I’ve accomplished that dream, but I have been feeling like a failure because that dream included being able to spend time with them every day. Instead, I’m so busy with running the barn for my boarders, repairing things, doing barn chores, taking care of everyone else’s horses, and trying to make ends meet with giving lessons and trying to teach equine first aid classes that, if there is any time left to actually spend with my own horses, I am physically and emotionally exhausted. I work so hard at trying to provide the best care for ALL the horses, that I feel like I am failing my own boys. I don’t know if you still check the comments from your past podcasts anymore, but, if you do, I just want to say thank you for this message. I am not sure how to change things so that I don’t continue spinning my wheels, but just having that permission to NOT feel like a failure, for some reason helps. Maybe it’s because I am not failing at keeping a roof over their heads, feeding them good food, providing them with the care they need when they need it, and keeping them safe. This message of making the distinction between failure and disappointment was one I needed to hear and help me identify that what I am feeling is disappointment, not failure. I need to make some SMART goals so that I can rise above my threshold of disappointment, stop feeling overwhelmed, and begin to enjoy what I’m trying to create here. …on a side note I have subscribed to your podcast, but for some reason the player skips the first season (approximately 14 episodes). I’ve been coming directly to your website to listen from the beginning (I don’t want to miss a thing), but should I be listening to your present podcasts at the same time, or should I continue listening linearly until I catch up?

    • Stacy Westfall on January 19, 2021 at 9:34 pm

      April- I’m so happy that Episode 8 helped you! There are so many lessons that horses can teach us…half of them are awesome and amazing and we can’t wait for more…others are challenging, heartbreaking and we would skip if we could.

      But when I look at life I see the same thing. 50/50 on things I want…and things I’d rather skip.

      One word of encouragement. Any new thing is hard. Eventually you’ll find a better flow and will be able to see more clearly. When I started the podcast my stress was SO HIGH! I think you can hear it in my voice if you compare episode 1 to episode 100. I still experience a level of stress every week. Part of me thinks it ‘should’ go away…and part of me knows it is here to stay.

      Just TODAY I figured out how to fix the podcast feed. The default is to only release 100 to the podcast players (why…why?…why??)…anyway, they should all be there in your phone app now!
      Feel free to listen any way you want! Go straight through…jump around. Pick your favorite topics. There is no wrong way!

  2. Heather Wimer on December 16, 2020 at 11:20 am

    I have gone back and listened to this episode several times. I’ve also told most of my friends to listen to it. It has made a huge difference for me. I realized that I put way to many things in the failure category and they should just be disappointments. Changing the way I think about that has made a huge difference for me in many areas of my life.
    Thank you so much!

  3. Sarah on March 1, 2019 at 9:20 pm

    How’d I miss this episode??? I listened to this week’s and then this one started and I realized I’d never heard it. This is GOLD. I feel encouraged and relieved and excited. The future is bright.

    • Stacy Westfall on March 2, 2019 at 4:58 pm

      Technology gremlins. Or angels. You needed to hear this message at this time.
      Or maybe you skipped your morning coffee? Lol…now I’m going to go check my podcast player to see if I missed any of my favorite shows!

  4. Amy on February 12, 2019 at 5:31 pm

    This is one of my favorite podcasts so far. I had decided to board my horse this winter so I could have access to the indoor arena during the harsh months. I went in guns blazing with perhaps some unrealistic goals set for the time period he would be there. I put a tremendous amount of pressure on myself to get my horse preform and instead of progressing forward we took huge steps backwards because of my frustration and my anxiousness to execute the goals I had set. I have realized I was a much better and more confident rider when I just simply went out and rode my horse because I love to ride…no expectations, no “time frames”. i was just setting myself up to feel like a failure. I have realized I just need to go in and keep it simple, as we can accomplish a lot more that way. Don’t get me wrong, i still have goals. Number 1 is: it is ok to have a disappointing ride, I am not a failure. Thank you for this one Stacy!

    • Stacy Westfall on February 13, 2019 at 8:59 am

      You are very welcome! I’ve done the same thing myself as well as several variations of it. One of my more recent variations was when I got so excited about practicing advanced maneuvers that I just kept doing them. My fascination let me do more than I should have. Thankfully I noticed a decline in performance and realized, ‘hey, she might need some rest and/or a change of pace.’
      It is so easy to aim for ‘straight up the mountain’ but that path is pretty steep! It is better in the long run to take a path with some plateaus or even places where going backward is a good idea.
      Sounds like you learned a valuable lesson! Keep it up!

  5. Monica Huettl on February 5, 2019 at 1:31 am

    This episode was really helpful to me! I’m in my 60s and have 3 healthy, happy geldings. One is a horse that I bred (I owned his mother). The other 2 are rescues that came to me because I could provide a good home but I didn’t seek them out. I’ve been feeling guilty that I can’t ride and train each one of them to their highest potential. I enjoy quiet trail rides and have no desire to show.

    I’m an AirBnb host and some of the guests want to pet or ride the horses, which I let them do, always with careful supervision. Thank you for validating that the horses are happy to hang out in their little herd eating good hay and enjoying their quiet life, being petted and loved.

    I’m binging your podcasts while at the airport waiting on a five hour delayed flight. It’s the lemons/lemonade thing. Thank you for producing the pods!!

    • Stacy Westfall on February 6, 2019 at 9:28 pm

      I love a good podcast binge! I also have a flight on Friday and I’ll be sure to download a bunch:)
      Thank you for the feedback. I’m glad that my thoughts on the subject helped you out. I’ll keep them coming!

  6. Chrissy on January 30, 2019 at 4:49 pm

    Wow, Stacy – a lot of this episode hit home! Realizing there is a difference between failure and disappointment, and to specifically look at it like that, will not only help me mentally, but I think it will really help positively influence how I show up to my horse when I am facing something less-than-ideal. I have absolutely been holding myself to a high standard, and I -am- learning daily, especially so when my horse answers my question in an unexpected way (we’re always learning around horses, right? 🙂 ).
    THANK YOU for another thoroughly helpful podcast!


  7. Jenny Wood-Outhwaite on January 25, 2019 at 10:28 pm

    I’m really enjoying these! And you are my first experience with Podcasts as well!!

  8. Amy Bridges on January 16, 2019 at 11:33 pm

    LOVED this episode, as I deal with these thoughts.

    • Stacy Westfall on January 17, 2019 at 9:23 am

      Amy, Sooooo many of us do. I was able to talk about it from first hand experience and I’m here to say that once you set your own lines, things get easier:)

  9. Kami on January 10, 2019 at 3:05 pm

    Just what I needed to hear today! Thanks Stacy! You said” While you’re learning be really clear about what you are calling failure and about what you are calling disappointment.” I often set my goals with to big of steps to get there instead of breaking them down then consider it a failure when I dont get it. I had success today when my trainer got on the horse I’m training and was having success with him. To often it turns out the other way, with me being very disappointed and thinking I failed as a trainer. Your podcast was helpful and a good reminder to recognize the difference. Thank you

    • Stacy Westfall on January 12, 2019 at 9:43 am

      Kami, I’m glad you can more clearly see the difference now. Clarifying our words and thoughts really helps to keep things more positive. I’m not looking to promote a false ‘positive attitude’ but instead become more clear about how we view things. I love that you said you recognize that you often set goals as ‘big steps instead of breaking them down’. Once we break them down there is much more room for small wins which ends up creating a truly more positive experience.

  10. Jjonah on January 9, 2019 at 9:11 pm

    A good friend of mine, who is also one of my equine inspirations, recommended your podcast to me. I listened to every episode back to back, and while all of them were enlightening and entertaining, this episode really spoke to me. I’ve been trying to balance returning to college as an adult while trying to run my farm, keep my horses in training, and pick up a few riding students here and there. Lately I have been questioning myself, and heavily doubting that I am doing my best with my horses. I didn’t think I needed permission, but when I heard you state it, I felt a lot of relief. My horses are healthy, happy, and well cared for. If they don’t get worked as often as they used to, I have to say that you’re right and they aren’t judging me for it. Its just me judging myself, and maybe being too harsh.

    • Stacy Westfall on January 12, 2019 at 9:38 am

      Thanks for the comment! I told myself when I recorded ‘giving permission’ that if it helped one person then it was worth it…thanks for telling me!

  11. Annie on January 9, 2019 at 12:35 pm

    I feel like I failed my commitment to a couple of horses in my life. They could have lived out the remaining years of their lives with me, the only home they had known for many years, if I had the money to treat and maintain their health issues, above and beyond the basic needs/requirements. But they both ended up going to good loving homes to live out their remaining years. Even though I did the best I could at the time, it still hurts to trust and let their care go to someone else.

    • Susan Hull on January 9, 2019 at 4:32 pm

      Annie, to me this is not a failure at all! A painful loss, of course, but failure would only be if you didn’t make sure they would be loved and cared for in their next home. I knew a woman who wouldn’t let any of her horses leave her (even though good homes were asking for them), and that was a real failure because their quality of life was not good living with her. You made the hard but loving choice that our animals depend on us to make!

      • Annie on January 9, 2019 at 11:50 pm

        Thank you for the kind words.

    • Stacy Westfall on January 12, 2019 at 9:37 am

      Annie, I agree with Susan that you made ‘a hard but loving choice’. I would not consider that ‘failing the horse’ but I am sure it was emotionally painful for you. I work with rescue groups where people keep the horses for emotional reasons and then fail to provide care, sometimes to the point of death. It also sounds like you kept up with them to some degree which can also be viewed as commitment(not failure). I bet if you had been contacted because those horses were in trouble you would have worked hard to find them yet another option. You were creative for their benefit which is very honorable.

      • Annie on January 12, 2019 at 10:26 am

        Thank you Stacy. And for putting on these discussions for support and guidance.

  12. Susan Hull on January 9, 2019 at 7:37 am

    This is probably one of the most important posts you could offer us! Our human expectations create emotional pressure and then we act it out in our behavior. I feel guilty if I don’t go see my horses whenever I have a spare moment, like they are children I am leaving alone! I saw this the other day when it was raining pretty steadily and I was struggling about whether to stop and slog through the muddy path to go and look at them for a few minutes. Suddenly I imagined them seeing me coming and thinking, “What on earth is she doing out here in this weather?” I know that’s not what they would “think” but it helped me to break the spell of my own demands on myself.

    • Stacy Westfall on January 9, 2019 at 8:58 am

      Susan, I’m glad you said that! I felt it was important but was on the fence about how it would be received. It is something I have clear in my head but have not shared before so it felt risky. Thanks for the comment and for recognizing how it is/was working in your own life.

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