Episode 73: Empowering riders, respecting space, finding balance between go & whoa aids

Listen as a caller describes how she changed her lunging experience in a matter of days. Stacy outlines the steps that made this ‘leap’ in learning possible. Hazel calls in and asks how to get her school horse to respect her space more. Stacy gives her three different suggestions. Amy has questions about how to get her ranch horse to ‘wait’ a bit more during the trail obstacle phase. Stacy explains how she teaches this type of ‘wait’ using three different examples: lunging, riding a nervous horse and when teaching the sliding stop. Stacy’s goal is to empower the rider through education.

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Links mentioned in podcast:

Stacy’s Video Diary: Jac: https://youtu.be/TO6nyP_28QA
Stacy’s Podcast with Grandmas Rules:https://stacywestfall.com/episode-2-leadership-vs-getting-along/

Stacy’s new course: The Complete Guide to Improving Steering and Teaching Neck Reining

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